
Showing posts from May, 2009


Black, white, brown…these are not just random listings of colours but basis that we use more often than not to distinguish between people. A distinction that so many times leads to discrimination of the worst kind. Since time immemorial the colour of one’s skin determined whether he woule belong to the clan of the rulers or the ruled. Apparently skill wasn’t a good enough criterion to determine who should be entitled to what. We wanted something that was merely skin deep. But are we really better than our primitive ancestors when it comes to giving equal opportunities and status to the people around us? Has the years of education and development of civilization made our thought process any more humane than it was all those years ago? The colour of our skin is not all that we have limited our purview of discrimination to, rather we have used all the possible factors under the sun to create boundaries that go beyond the geographical demarcations. People have been classified like objects ...