Tuesday Ritual
Since time immemorial my mom and I've had a sort of a ritual of visiting the temple every Tuesday. I don't know wheather its our way of saying that we are still spiritual in the race of modern life or a way to seek solace and strength for a brief moment, to become strong enough to face what lies beyond those walls. But there is one particular sight that I've never been courageous enough to face- that is the spectacle of seeing so many underpriveledged children lined outside the temple, looking at every person passing by with hopeful eyes, pleading with them to drop a morsel of food from the huge packet that they carry in the name of ' prasad' so that may be tonight they wouldnt have to sleep hungry. One thing that always amazes me about them is that despite the fact that a lot of them are not even sure whether or not they will manage to get a meal tonight or not, don't have a roof over their head but they still manage to do something that even we don't- smi...